Japanese books in 17th century England
Japanese books in 17th century England, with Professor Peter Kornicki
7-8pm, Thursday 3 February 2022
Free event open to all. Hosted online via Zoom Webinars – BOOK HERE
7-8pm, Thursday 3 February 2022
Free event open to all. Hosted online via Zoom Webinars – BOOK HERE
2021 marks the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the conclusion of a treaty of amity, commerce and navigation between Prussia and Japan in 1861. Due to the pandemic the jubilee of “160 years of German-Japanese relations” could neither attract much attention nor be celebrated accordingly. Nevertheless the Specialised Information Service Asia (FID Asien) of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK (SBB-PK) would like to present at the end of the anniversary year its virtual contribution by the release of two thematic portals on its platform CrossAsia (crossasia.org).
NDL(BC) 2012101-4-25
December 14, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
Please see our recent poster which features our library’s services regarding Japanese studies, displayed on the following JSA-ASEAN 2021 Website.
1. "Materials Workshop": Session I
This is a new workshop series for researchers who are interested in Japanese antiquarian materials.
2. Kotenseki seminars
These seminars were held outside of Japan mainly targeted to post graduate students. From this webpage, some of the slides used at the seminars can be accessible.
miwo - App for AI Kuzushiji Recognition.
At the noon of Japan Standard Time on August 30, 2021, the Android and iOS version of the app was officially released. The app is free of charge. Install the app from Google Play or App Store, and use it on your smartphones or tablets.
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL) of Japan.
We are now conducting a user satisfaction survey for FY2021. Your ideas and opinions are important to our library and will help us provide you with the best library services possible. Please fill out this survey.
From May 6 to October 31, 2021
URL of the user satisfaction survey for FY2021 https://enquete.ndl.go.jp/321971/p/eajrs?lang=en
The National Library of Finland has two Japanese special collections. In addition, the library’s basic collections also have Japanese books or books in Japanese. Until now, the Japonica collection and the Buddhist collection have only been catalogued on paper, and it has not been possible to access them in electronic search services.
Kinokuniya (US office), together with Sanninsha, Yumani Shobo, Kress Shuppan and Suirensha, is holding an online event, on 7 and 9 July, entitled 日本の学術出版の裏ばなし The Inside Stories of Japanese Academic Publishing.
Prof Tsuda Mayumi (Keio University) has organized an online symposium in conjunction with the next conference of the Japanese Early Modern Literature Asssociation. The theme might be of interest to some of you: デジタル時代の和本リテラシー古典文学研究と教育の未来.
Date: 2021年6月12日(土)13:30~15:40
Please find all information on the dedicated website: http://www.kinseibungakukai.com/2021haru_symposium/